I do what I feel.
When I go on vacation....I have a hard time packing because I like to wake up in the morning and decide what I FEEL like wearing.
I have a hard time planning meals because I like to decide what to make based upon what I FEEL like eating.
This is a problem.
While in Costco.....I couldn't figure out what to buy for meals. I got the basics....bread, bagels etc. But I had eaten lunch before I went to Costco so when I went shopping.....nothing sounded good to eat. Even the things I had thought of buying (putting on my list).....I couldn't bring myself to put in the cart because it didn't sound good.
Now...on the other hand.....the days I go to Costco hungry....I want to buy everything. The problem is I can't afford it....so I try to be disciplined and don't give in to the hunger. So much so that I don't put anything in my cart....again.
How my family ever eats anything beside pasta is beyond me......