The Loves of My Life

The Loves of My Life

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Day Jitters

So today I start a new job. I'm a little nervous. But my nervousness is not from the usual things that make one nervous.

I'm nervous because this is my first office job in 7 years. The last office job I had I hated. That's right, I used the word hated.  Don't get me wrong, it was nice to have a paycheck, I was thankful to have a job to send Paul to seminary, and I made friends that I still keep in contact with today.
But the job itself.

It was nothing.

I got paid to do nothing, and I hate that. Some people don't mind the office job where they can sit leisurely, snack and read the latest in People's magazine. That's not me. I like to be busy. I like to do something and feel as though I have accomplished something. I used to get through the day by re-organizing my desk a few times, making the rounds to my team pleading with them to let me help them, then I would go back to re-organizing my desk. Oh...and every week I got one thing to do- it was my highlight. I got to make a report. yippee! 
I got paid a lot of money to sit around....and I am extremely grateful for that money. but i was bored out of my mind.

So, today I am nervous. I don't want to be bored. I don't want to sit at a desk trying to figure out what Internet sight I can surf next. I want to work.


Erika Mills said...

so...we might be seeing 2-3 blog entries a day?!

hope all goes well for you :)

Diane Davis said...

nevermind my facebook comment... now i know what you are doing. have a great first day!!!

Jewels said...

I so understand... there is nothing my depressing or frustrating to me then being bored at work. I love the days when time just whizzes by and I barely have time to even pee.

Sarah said...

I agree. I have had jobs like that too (mostly office jobs) ... and the first day or so it's fun. After that it's almost torture.

Praying you're busy out of your mind!!

Dionne Sincire said...

so, potentially you could be getting paid to blog?? :) what's the job, and where can i sign up? ;)

Kristi said...

Your pic of Pam made me think that you could work on some inter-office pranking. Of course, you would need a Jim, and that might be a little awkward. But here's hoping for someone as bizarre as Michael Scott or Dwight Shrute in the office...then at least you will have good blog fodder.

Seriously though...hope it goes well. Remember - its only for 6 months!

Christy said...

I can relate completely. I hate being bored and honestly don't cope with it very well. I hope your new job isn't boring!! :)